My favorite toy as a child? Well, it is one my whole family has not forgotten. As a matter of face, almost 12 years later, it is still in use. My favorite toy was probably the ugliest looking thing anyone had ever seen. I think the best description I could give is
Raggety Ann on crack. She had yellow hair, a blue dress, a red body, and a blue face. Her smile was the only thing that was the least bit human. This "thing" was a doll. It was given to me on my first
birthday as a gift. My grandma brought it to me on one of her annual visits. I'm not really sure what I ever saw in this toy. Part of me thinks I did it to annoy my mother. At first glance, I thought it was the most horrible thing I'd ever seen, but to be polite, I acted like I loved it. I took her from my grandma, and headed up to my room where all my other dolls resided. I decided to name her Betty Lou, and play tea party with her. She soon became attached to me, and I refused to leave her behind regardless of where we were going, she even went to school with me. She'd sit in my backpack in my
cubby and await my return. One night, I couldn't find her. We had been playing at my grandma's and when we came home I couldn't find her. I was horrified. My best friend was missing. The house was turned upside down in the search for Betty Lou. She was thankfully safe and sound, just simply hiding under the couch. Betty Lou hated taking a bath, and I used to have to hide her from my mother, and I caught her trying to sneak in and steal Betty from my grasp to wash her. Betty had her own place at the table and in the car, as well as her own bath towel and table setting. Betty had truly become my best friend.
Ask me about it now, and you'll get a
blush. I don't remember all these things. After I started packing for college and came across her again , I thought putting her on a special shelf was the best way, but I think she was soon stuffed in the toy box. My mom pulled her out when I was home for break to surprise me, and I'd honestly not only forgotten about her, but thought she was long gone. Tears came to my eyes and I loved her once again. Not with the same passion of course, but true love just the same.