Sunday, November 9, 2008

WWII Propaganda

In this picture, most of the paper space is used up with the image of the woman. By doing this, the poster draws the attention of the viewer first most directly to the lady. The result of this being that the propaganda almost immediately distinguishes its audience. The lady is dressed in army garb, which is somewhat unusual as it was not generally the woman’s role to engage in warfare. By this variance, it draws more attention to the woman, thus amplifying their point. The second most noticeable feature on this poster is the American flag that resides behind the woman. By displaying the flag, it accomplishes two primary tasks: first, the flag is a symbol or type. The flag symbolizes respect, freedom, and liberty. So by showing the flag, the poster instills those feelings. Secondly, by displaying the woman standing in front of the flag, it denotes her loyalty to her country. This layout is key as the purpose of the poster is to recruit women, so by displaying a woman who is willing to serve her counter, it creates the same feelings in women viewing the poster, thus making them want to join the army.
In this poster, the words “This is my war too!” are written at the bottom in fairly large font. By using the larger font, the words will draw attention more that the other words would. This phrase combined with the picture of the woman instills an emotion of responsibility into female viewers. This poster does this through addressing the stereotypical fact of many more men joining up with the war than women. By bringing up this point, some women feel as if the men shouldn’t have to do everything with the war but that the women should get involved as well. With the use of the phrase ‘my war’, the sentence introduces a sense of ownership. With ownership of a great issue comes responsibility of that issue. Also, by saying that the war is partially owned by the women, it implies that the women have a say in the outcome of the war. This pushes the emotion of responsibility even further. The point of this poster is to create enough emotion in the women viewers to the extent that they will go out and join the army.